Penal Law
The firm offers assistance in all areas of penal law and in particular in the areas of gender violence, health care liability and crimes against property.
Specialised Legal Assistance in the Fight against Gender Violence
Specialised legal assistance for victims of gender-based violence, providing support and legal representation with the necessary sensitivity and expertise. With a profound understanding of the complex dynamics of gender-based violence and a commitment to social justice, the firm is committed to protecting the rights of victims and ensuring that they are adequately assisted and protected at all stages of the process, from the filing of the complaint-complaint, providing a climate in which the victim of gender-based crimes finds the right understanding and assistance.
Collaboration with Social Operators and Support Resources
It actively cooperates with social workers, care centres and other support resources to ensure that victims of gender-based violence have access to a full range of services and support, including counselling, legal assistance, psychological support and more. With an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach, it ensures that victims receive the comprehensive support they need to overcome the situation and regain control of their lives.
Family Rights Awareness and Advocacy
She is actively engaged in awareness-raising and advocacy for the rights of victims of gender-based violence, working to promote awareness of gender-based violence issues and to encourage social and regulatory change. It is also committed to social justice and gender equality within companies, promoting awareness for bridging the gender gap.